Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hello World!

“Everythings bigger in Texas!” I grew up hearing this said to me and though it wasn't all that funny I would paste a smile on my face and maybe laugh right along with them but inside it hurt. I mean…come on!.. a fat girl knows shes fat! We don't need it pointed out to us! Just like a man who is balding or someone with a huge snout doesn't need a reminder..just in case they didn't know. People with flaws(and that's most of us!) simply want to be laugh and joke and NOT be the center of that joke. Most people wont point out in the middle of a party that a womans teeth are horrible..or her legs too bony..but they will point out if they see a fat girl with too much food on her plate or the rockin double chin shes sporting. Its not cool…crap..I think this just turned into a rant. Didn't mean for it to! So back to this blog…Why? Well..I learned to live beautiful…fat or not! I want to pass this information along and maybe clear up the BS about fashion for large women and how to really look great no matter your shape..oh! and sometimes sharing the story of me telling off the old lady in the grocery store for telling me the ice cream really should go back on the shelf. Like..huh?

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